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The Secret to Prayer

"Tammy, I'm going to teach you the secret to prayer," Margaret said with a grin.  Inching towards the edge of her seat, Tammy opened up her journal to record the spiritual treasures that her mentor was about to bestow upon her.  Margaret leaned forward and whispered: "This is the secret to prayer: Pray."


While we have a great many things to learn about prayer from the Scriptures, the praying saints of old, and our spiritual mothers and fathers, there is no substitute to simply getting on our knees and praying.  Margaret continued, "If you want to cultivate a rich life with God, there is not other way.  There are no shortcuts, there are no conferences, there are no books to read... the only way to cultivate this kind of life with God, is to do it."


So before we get dive into a year of learning how to pray, we begin with making a commitment simply to get with God and pray regularly.  We trust that the consistent act of coming into his presence will teach us just as much - if not more - than all we will learn from sermons, classes, and books this year.

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In the month of January, we are beginning our Year of Prayer with this challenge:


Pick a place, pick a time, and commit to meeting God there

to pray every day for 2 weeks.  

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