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Consecrate Yourselves

"Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will work wonders among us."  These are the words that Joshua spoke to the people just before crossing into the promised land (Joshua 3:5).  God was about to do something big and wonderful for the people of Israel.  Although God was going to be the one working the wonders, Israel still had a part to play.  Instead of just being passive recipients, God's people were commanded to prepare themselves for this new thing God was doing.  In this story, and several others like it in the Old Testament, God calls his people to consecrate themselves - to make themselves holy - before they can walk with Him into the next thing he has for them.  

Crossing over into the New Year

As a church, we believe that God has wonderful works he is preparing to perform among us in 2025.  In expectation of his sanctifying, healing, saving activity among us, we want to make sure that we are properly consecrated, just as Israel was called to be in their day.  That's why, for the final month in our 2024 Year of Prayer, we are praying together prayers of consecration.  We are praying to be made holy - set apart for God's special purposes - as we enter into a new year.  We are praying that God would help us dedicate ourselves afresh to him, that he may have all our hearts, attention, and devotion.


In addition to praying for consecration, we are going to do a church-wide fast Wednesday December 18th.  We will begin the fast together starting Tuesday night after dinner, and then plan to break the fast together Wednesday night at dinner time. Join us as we petition the Lord to make us holy as we enter into the coming year.

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